26 – 30 June, 2023, Congress, Moscow, Russia
26 — 30 August, 2024, conference "CONSCIOUSNESS-2024"
23 – 27 June, 2025
Congress, Moscow, Russia
world congress

Systems Theory, Algebraic Biology, Artificial Intelligence:

Mathematical Foundations and Applications

Section Forum "Consciousness: from problem formulation to mathematical models"
August 26-30, 2024, Conference "CONSCIOUSNESS 2024"


August 26-30, 2024  Russian Academy of Sciences with the participation of the national academies of sciences of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, scientific centers of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, India and other countries within the framework of the section of the World Congress “Systems Theory, Algebraic Biology, Artificial Intelligence: Mathematical Foundations” and applications"(hereinafter —Congress)the Forum "Consciousness: from problem formulation to mathematical models"   holds CONFERENCE "CONSCIOUSNESS-2024".

All meetings are held in person with the ability to connect via Zoom and broadcast on YouTube at the “Krasnovidovo” Rest House, located near Mozhaisk on the banks of the Mozhaisk Reservoir - one of the most picturesque places in the Moscow region. Accommodation in a holiday home RUB 2,400. per day, payment for a collection of abstracts - issued, among other things, to participants without a report - (and their electronic version) is 3000 rubles (for undergraduate and graduate students 1,500 rubles).

Formed directions
  • Theories of consciousness
  • Experimental Evidence on Consciousness
  • Consciousness in artificial intelligence
  • Formation of consciousness in biological and artificial intelligence
  • Neuroinformatics methods for studying consciousness
  • Neurophotonics and optogenetics for consciousness research
  • Social consciousness, its types
  • Nonlinear dynamics and information systems
  • Other directions (forming)
Conference participants must register (the registration form is below, as a section you must select Forum "..." and Conference "CONSCIOUSNESS 2024", in the "Note to the Organizing Committee" field of the registration form YOU MUST INVENT THE DAYS OF PARTICIPATION in the conference, for example, "all five days" , “August 26 and 27”), participants making a report, upload abstracts into the form below (in the “Comment” field of the abstracts upload form, you must indicate the direction, in particular, select “other” if the above list of directions does not cover the topic of the report) .
Detailed information (issues of payment, time and place of organized departure, etc.) is displayed by clicking on the button located below (after the section "Requirements for the abstract submission") "Information about the Conference "CONSCIOUSNESS 2024""

Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), together with National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (SCMAI RAS), National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NAK), National Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (NAU), scientific centers of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, India and other countries held the World Congress “System Theory, Algebraic Biology, Artificial Intelligence: Mathematical Foundations and Applications” (hereinafter referred to as the Congress) in Moscow on 26–30 June 2023. Participation in the Congress and publication of abstracts for free.

Among the organizers of the Congress there are research centers:

  • Scientific Council on the Methodology of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Research under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SCMAI RAS);
  • Pavlov Russian Physiological Society (PRPS).
  • Federal State Institution Federal Research Center M.V. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS (IAM RAS);
  • Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Chemical Physics (ChemPhys).
  • Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (IMASH).
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science V.P. Ivannikov Institute of System Programming of RAS(ISP).
  • Federal Research Center "Institute of Cytology and Genetics" of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICiG SB RAS);
  • Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Research Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine" (NIINM).
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Public Administration (MSU).
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Physics (MSU PD).
  • International Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science, China (RAMECS), China (RAMECS);
  • Research Institute of Multiprocessor Computing and Control Systems (NIIMVUS).
  • Law and artificial intelligence Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation (IZAK);
  • Pentagram Research Centre, India (PENTAGRAM);
  • Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPL SB RAS);
  • Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM (VIM RAS);
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State Academic University for the Humanities" (GAUGN).
  • Wuhan University of Technology, China (WUT);
  • Sagar Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India (SIT).
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky" (MSC).
  • Technical Committee for Standardization TK164 "Artificial Intelligence" (ТC164);
  • Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence (RAAI).
  • International and Russian Engineering Academies (MIA and RIA) (RAE) (IAE) ;
  • Linyi University, School of Information Science and Engineering, China (LYU);

The following sections of the Congress are being formed:

The format of the Congress is hybrid. The format includes in-person attendance, remote connections of speakers, and live broadcasts from the Congress Halls.


  • The list of journals publishing the proceedings of the Congress, see the menu of the registration form "Section"
  • Congress website (CongressInfo)
  • RAS website (RAS Info)
  • RAS website, articles (RAS Poisk)
  • Website of the Scientific Research Institute of Normal Physiology named after P.K. Anokhin (NII Anokhin Info)
  • Website of the Novosibirsk platform of the Congress (sICiG SB RAS)
  • Website of the Committee TK164 "Artificial Intelligence" (TK164 Info)
  • YouTube channel of the Seminar "Algebraic biology and systems theory" (Seminar)
  • Portal "Search" (Poisk)
  • The list of Congressional support information resources is open!
Presidium of RAS:
Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 32a
Building of the NAS:
Minsk, Independence Avenue, 66


Young scientist *
graduate student, student, researcher up to 35 years old
Do you need a hotel reservation?*
Participation format*
By clicking on the button, you consent to the processing
of personal data and agree to the privacy policy
Application accepted!
Thank you for registering.

Abstracts, articles

Abstract volume 1-3 pages A4 (plus 3-5 lines abstract in English), sent: text file in .pdf format and the same file in one of the formats .doc, .docx, .odp (Open Office format). Foreign speakers (who do not know Russian) need only send the text and abstract in English.

Design requirements

text, single spacing, size 12, times new roman, margins 2 cm (left, right, bottom and top), layout as in the following example

Mathematical methods of algebraic biology
Petukhov S.V.
IMASH RAN, Moscow, Russia

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text


  1. Yanz R.S. Explore the role, International Journal of Social Science, 2021, vol. 45, no.2, P. 257-260.
  2. Иванов А.С., Петров В.П. Использование конструктивной логики в кибернетике, Биомашсистемы, 2020, Т. 4, №3, С.67-78.

(links to download files)

The deadline for submitting abstracts
August 10, 2024
Upload abstract files*
Format: pdf, doc, docx or odp; Size: up to 5 MB
File is not chosen
By clicking on the button, you consent to the processing
of personal data and agree to the privacy policy
Abstracts accepted!

Postal address
of the Executive Organizing Committee of the Conference "CONSCIOUSNESS 2024"

119992, GSP-2, Moscow, Lenin Hills, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, building 2, Faculty of Physics, Department of Biophysics, room: 5-67.

When registering on the website, indicate:
accommodation in a single or double room;
period of residence.

Official email of the organizing committee of the Congress
and the Conference "CONSCIOUSNESS 2024":


Postal address:

P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology RAS


125315, Moscow,

Baltiyskaya, d. 8, for the Secretariat of the Congress

Office of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences


119991, Moscow,

Leninsky d.20, bldg. 6, for the Congress Secretariat


The Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


630090 Novosibirsk

Lavrentyeva, 10